scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Moonbats and Patty Murray
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
I was going to move to Bellingham several years ago and went up there for 2 weeks to check out the lay of the land. Now I had lived in Denver for 30 years, you know, Pat Schroeder(gag-o), but Washington was off the charts wacky liberal. Unfarkingbelievable. No way could I live there.
You just gotta sit back and wonder how us and them could have such a 180 view of things. I honestly believe if a nuke was set off in Seattle, they would
1) blame republicans
2) seek to redress Islamofascist complaints
3)attempt to succeed
Sure is beautiful though.
MM -
2/28/07, 8:21 AM
Anonymous said...
LMAO, couldn't hear any audio, but the pictures are priceless, particularly when Goondilocks, and the other copper clear the room, lmao. Prime re-election footage, it's tough when you turn on your base.
2/28/07, 9:36 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Couldn't hear the audio? Did you adjust the audio on the viewer? Here's a direct link to the .wmv version, try it. the audio is what's priceless.
http://terpsboy.com/Sounds/patty3.WMV -
2/28/07, 10:03 AM
- cmblake6 said...
Oh bleeding hell. This should be on national tv, just to inform the normal human being how stupid the leftist loons really are. Followed by the warning, "Get off your butt and vote, or THEY will win". Mr and Mrs America, haven't you learned anything?
2/28/07, 11:10 AM
Anonymous said...
absolutely classic...
should we start a collection for straight jackets for Washington?
and yet, these rubes will still vote for Hillary...
(meaning Ms. Rodham voted for the Iraq Mission) -
2/28/07, 11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Hi Rodger...I had the same audio problem.Found that I had to turn up my speakers all the way but then I heard it ok.
2/28/07, 12:35 PM
Anonymous said...
I live in an affluent suburb of Seattle and no matter what; we always end up with democrat senators and reps in Washington. Of course Seattle City hall is a loony bin of lefties. But that's the way the majority votes here...
Bitter-sweet funny anecdote from the late 90's. I was working construction at the time, on a large project and a member of the IBEW (electrical union). So one day we get the word to take half a day off without pay and we get into union-supplied buses to Seattle City Hall, where “they” are in the process of jeopardizing the hiring process for apprentices by introducing restrictions based on preferences. These preferences were already in place by the union so it seems that the city wanted more groveling or maybe more preferences? Anyway, lots of peoplel gets worked into a frenzy, we’re supplied with a bunch of signs and we all go into city all, hard hats on our heads and all.
The place is packed with the public, most of them construction workers: standing room only. There is a podium with about 10 city coucilpeople (or whatever the hell they’re called). Most of them are black and Asian women. In any case, not a white person in sight on that podium. They proceed to tell us that women and minorities need to be protected as they have no power and “the man” keeps them down. They don’t explain how they get their sweet municipal sinecures while we are busting our asses on construction sites. Then a union rep grabs the mike and explain that the union fully support diversity blah blah blah grovel grovel. Another union honcho grabs the mike and essentially make the same argument. Nobody else open their mouth. The city people then sadopt the motion to do whatever the hell they had already decided anyway and every construction stiff files back meekly into the buses to be brought back to work. Neither at that point nor subsequently does anyone open their traps to bitch about anything that happened that day. That’s probably the way things got done in Stalinist Russia. Big unions pussies. Ha!
That’s Seattle for ya’... -
2/28/07, 1:07 PM
Anonymous said...
Where's "An Earthquake Big Enough to Sever the Left Coast from the Rest of North America" when you really need it?
2/28/07, 1:15 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Thank you for that eloquently told blast from your past Anonymous. I was just thinking, "Gee, should I clean the basement, or instead fire up the B-52 and take out Seattle?"
I hate cleaning the basement anyway. -
2/28/07, 2:28 PM
Anonymous said...
Hey Anon...Just read an article about Mayor Nickels making phone calls to businesses pushing union janitor contracts.
2/28/07, 6:38 PM