Sunday, March 04, 2007

Last moments

While I was making hot dogs for breakfast just now, I was thinking about this parallel.

 "What would I do if I knew this was my last day on earth" is pretty much the same as "What would I do if Hillary Clinton was elected president.?" 

That in turn reminded me about the airline passenger, a guy, seated next to the most voluptuous women he'd ever seen. When the plane suddenly pitched forward the captain intercommed, "Ladies and Gentleman, we've lost our controls, and I'm sorry to tell you we're going to crash."  The guy thought. "What the hell," and  pulled the girl into the aisle and was humping the heck out of her while she screamed bloody murder.  Just then the plane leveled and the captain came back on. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank God.  We've regained control."


Anonymous said...

Either I dont get it or part of the punch line is missing.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

The guy is raping her because he has nothing to lose. The punch is "We have regained control."

Erica said...

Whoa, first he was just humping he's raping her?!

I thought it was hysterical first time around. Imagery, you know?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Yeah, your way is better. Humping.

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