
Saturday, March 03, 2007

Seuss and pussy

Sneetches up your Breetches
About twenty years ago I read an essay by someone I've forgotten, which postulation was, put simply, that you can understand everything man has ever done, from work to wars; cliques to clothes,  if you accept that the driving force behind every action is ....  pussy.   That's right. Everything man does is directed, ultimately, to getting laid.  It  was a serious essay, btw, and forcefully delivered. 

Mother Superior has a different theory.  The key to understanding everything is found in
THE SNEETCHESI think there's truth in both arguments.


  1. That's exactly what the late-great Milton Friedman said during his acceptance speech for the 1976 Nobel Prize in Economics. He was a hell of a man. And evidently kept Rose Friedman pretty happy too.

  2. Maybe it was a Friedman essay. Hoooooo-ah.

  3. Orson Welles, probably quoting someone or other, said that every everything great that man has ever done was for the sole purpose of impressing his girl friend.

  4. As that great economist Gary Busey once said, "Why are women so uptight? They've got half the money and all the pussy."

  5. To quote my good friend Jim, "Pussy will make you do stupid shit."


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