
Saturday, March 03, 2007

Looking for Rudy

Looking for Rudy
David Greenberg makes the interesting argument that Rudy is undeserving of the filthy "moderate Republican" adjective .  In fact, says Greenberg, "Giuliani is to the right of John McCain and as intemperate, reactionary, and dictatorially inclined as Bush and Cheney."

"This weekend, the Times ran another article on Giuliani's stand on abortion. Like most such stories, it focused on his rhetoric. But rhetoric is a poorer predictor of future behavior do than is previous public behavior. And almost everything Giuliani has done, as prosecutor and mayor, oozes authoritarianism, contempt for civil liberties and civil rights, intolerance for dissenting speech, and a belief that traditional religious values (rather than secular ones) should anchor policy. "Social issues" include not just abortion and gay rights but also crime and punishment, freedom of speech and religion, minority and women's rights."

I think we can stipulate that Rudy is no wobbly pussy, but Greenberg goes, maybe,  a bridge too far.

"... Giuliani rode his law-and-order authoritarianism to the New York mayoralty. His record could hardly have been more conservative."

You have to be a New Republic subscriber to comment, or I would have asked the author to explain Rudy's Judges. I'm certain that  Giuliani will be the republican candidate, and would sure  as hell like to feel comfortable with it.    


  1. "I'm certain that Giuliani will be the republican candidate . . . ."

    Bzzz. Wrong answer.

    "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Arizona Sen. John McCain won a Spartanburg, South Carolina straw poll Friday, an early sign of how conservative South Carolinians might view the GOP presidential field."

    We're still screwed.

  2. Ugh- I would take Rudy (hell I would take ANYONE) over McCain anyday.

    What do you think about the rumblings from Fred Thompson running? He's pretty conservative.

    Does anyone remember how close the SC poll was in 2000? This year the top 3 were all within a few points of each other- was it that close when Bush beat out McCain in 2000?

    Duncan Hunter looks pretty good to me- but if I had to I guess I would hold my nose and vote for McCain rather than stay home and pout.


  3. I'll take Rudy anyday, anyway over McCain. I'd still vote for McCain but thankfully, it looks like he's tanking. Mitt is another story. Was kinda sorry to see the ratbastard Webb take Allan out of the picture.

    You gotta face the fact than whoever the Republican nominee looks to be, the MSM will do everything in it's power to drive wedges anywhere they perceive a fissure.

    Maybe Steele didn't get the RNC head so Rudy could pick him as Veep. Wow, what a ticket. 8 years of Rudy, than Steele runs. OMLord!

    Love Newt, great plotter but has a millstone around his neck.

    If there is going to be anyone else, he'd better make the scene. Quick.

    None the less, our line up compared to the dems. HRC and Obama? Please Edwards!?! A walking joke. AlGore? Oh my, the good Lord can't be that generous, besides the Clinton are gonna slice and dice anyone in the way

  4. McCain........Rodger, didn't you post this link several years ago? I look at it every once in a while.

  5. I don't know man, I still have huge problems with Rudy. Not that he's too liberal, but that he has huge fascistic tendencies.

    The issue with the judges can be easily explained away: He was given only 3 choices from some committee in NYC, usually all 3 of which were of the type that'd sit well on the 9th Circuit Court.

    I'm starting to like Mitt, but still don't know all that much about Sam. John is toast. Hillary is taking more of a beating from MSM than I'd have thought at this point. Barack Hussein has no staying power. Gore is looking like a good dark-horse candidate, time will tell. Rodg isn't polling above 1% yet, but that'll change once he shows us his B52 chops.

    USA - OSU - ANWR

  6. I don't care about his stance on abortion. In fact, abortion should be mandatory for liberals.

    What concerns me is his Second Amendment problem. No, like most New Yorkers, he has a hardwired anti-gun attitude. But Rudy took it farther. He was at the head of the list of mayors who sued the firearms industry. I don't see anyone asking him to explain that.

    His choice of judicial appointees is also a problem.

    So far as I can see, if you vote for Hillary you get Hillary. If you vote for Rudy you get Hillary Light.


  7. Newt will get in the race he has no more of a stone around his neck than Rudy or the rest. I do not for one mi nute believe that Rudy will get the nod and if he does then we are cooked his record on the second amendment and judges as well as pro abortion and pro homosexual rights will put a democrat in the oval office as sure as Bill Clinton loves soggy cigars. It will be a disaster for the Republican party.

  8. What did you expect? When a liberal public official does anything in the course of his duties he is displaying initiative and leadership. When a conservative does the same things he is "intemperate, reactionary, and dictatorially inclined".

  9. Did I hear that Fred Thompson has tossed his hat in the ring, or were my Friday meds off?

  10. Rudy cannot get elected. His personal life, a disgusting one that he took public all by himself, is a horror. I posted just the low points yesterday.

  11. I have heard that the process of selecting judges in New York City is:
    1. A panel - not answerable to the mayor - decides on three choices and submits those choices to the mayor
    2. The mayor MUST select one from among those three choices.
    If the panel - usually diehard Democrats - usually offer a slate of three liberal Democrat judges, and the mayor must merely select from among the three, then what would the complaint against Guiliani be?

    Let me know if this information is false, please!
    Mike Devx

  12. Where's HNAV, he knows all that New York stuff? If that's the case, and it sounds right, then Rudy is off that hook.

  13. McCain

    Aaaah deja vu! Never hurts to refresh one's memory.

  14. You're dead wrong about Newt Jack. His negs are almost as high as HRC. Personally I love the guy, he would bring the debates to a new level. No shot.

    And you're also wrong about our goose being cooked with Rudy at the head of the ticket. That will only happen if conservatives like you sit on their hands. Again.

  15. There you go with that conservatives like me crap. How many kind of conservatives are there is just anyone a conservative reguardless of there position on an issue. If Rudy is the head of the ticket it will put a democrat in the oval office. That will happen if the party puts it's self a head of the rank and file voter. But as I stated he will not get the top spot he might get the second spot and that would be it.I am not stating the case for Newt but his nagatives are no where near Hillary's. He has been cleared of all he was accused of by Boniour. Boniour is fighting a judgement where he violated the rights by turning over a private conversation to the media. Newt is currently enjoying improved ratings. The man is a knock out speaker and can win. But all I am giving you is the facts. Rudy will not likely get the nod. If he does then it will be a disaster. The only thing he has going for him is he was tough on crime other than that there is no difference on the issues between him and the democrats.

  16. Mitt Romney won the Straw Poll at the just ended Conservative Pac meeting.

  17. I have to add in regard to my comments about Rudy he can change these dynamics and be on the top of the ticket. He must declare his unwavering support for secure borders. and for 2nd amendment rights.I believe he has made the pledge concerning judges.Other canidates have changed there ideology and remained true to there changebut it would be tough to trust him on judcial appointments.If he went back on his word he would damn sure be a 1 termer.

  18. Growing up in NYC in the late 70's I remember the city as one huge viper pit. Times Square was an absolute war zone. After Rudy came in he kicked ass and cleaned up the place. Not just Times Square - all of the city. He made bad neighborhoods more livable for the law abiding citizens. He is the only candidate that I can see that has the balls (literally and figuratively) to take on AQ and other terrorists groups. I don't believe Romney has the spine, I don't trust McCain - he does what the MSM wants him to do. Newt couldn't get elected to a school board. I know he is brilliant but if you think that the press hates Bush, imagine what they would do to Newt. I will support whoever is the Republican candidate. Any of the defeatocrats would be a disaster for the country.



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