scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Rudy's Judges
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
I keep tellin' you, Rudy ain't gonna' get the Repub nomination. McCain and Graham have it locked up. We're screwed.
3/1/07, 5:57 PM
Anonymous said...
Sure would like to see Newt run (and win) but I'm sorry to say I think the next Pres is gonna be that bitch Hillary.That Clinton bunch is,sly,crooked,wiley,and underhanded.They also own most of the media even now.Obama will be a contender but will fall away.
3/1/07, 6:47 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Chuck, who the hell put the notion into your head that Lindsay Graham is electable? He's even a bigger turd than McCain.
It makes zero sense from an electoral vote standpoint as well. McCain does not need South Carolina's pissant 8 votes to go with AZ' 10. He needs some clout from a leaner state like Ohio, or Pennsylvania. Sleep tight, McCain can't win the nomination, and wouldn't pick Graham if he did. How I see it, anyway. -
3/1/07, 7:25 PM
Anonymous said...
I hope Rush is right about it being too early to tell who will run this far in advance, because I gag at McCain and Graham, and Rudy's too socially liberal. My candidate of choice isn't on the scene yet, but when one arrives, I'll recognize him/her.
I can't help but see Rudy turning out much like Schwartzeneggar, who has swallowed the "green pill," advocates health care for ALL in Cali, and is today offering $500 to be given & saved for all babies born in CA to gain access to upon their 18th b'day...for college, etc. Hullo?? ALL babies, citizens or not. WTMFD is this??
I can't help seeing a scene from Schindler's List, where the character Amon Goeth practices kindness in front of a mirror in priest like manner making the sign of the cross while stating, "I pardon thee." That's how I see our used-to-be-governator. It ain't real. It can't be. -
3/1/07, 8:32 PM
Anonymous said...
Rudi; Nifong of the north. Remember Milikin, remember the handcuffs on Wall Street (charges later dismissed).
3/1/07, 9:59 PM
Anonymous said...
I was a lawyer across the street from the NYSX dring Rudi, a client doing complex deals asked after Boskey, "where is the line between legal and illegal" I said,"if it involves suitcases of cash exchanged on a street you might suspect". Little did I know Rudi would later handcuff people in their offices before the press, people who were so substiantial and so community connected that they would turn themselves in at thepolice station upon a phone call. Yeah, Rudi, you life is a stepping stone.
3/1/07, 10:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Rudy is a fascist liberal. No vote from me. Someone unmask that man, before we get in trouble.
Me? I vote For Rodg, coz a vote for Rodg is a vote for gas in his B-52. -
3/1/07, 10:29 PM
Anonymous said...
Hillary *will* win if Republicans, unhappy with the Republican nominee for one reason or another, stay home on election day to teach the party a lesson. That's what brought us Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
ANY REPUBLICAN would be better than Hillary. -
3/1/07, 10:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Thank you Jim-PRS. That's it in a nutshell.
End of story
MM -
3/1/07, 11:32 PM
Anonymous said...
well said MR. RS...
and Jim agreed.
i wonder how many choices Rudy had in NY who weren't Democrats...
i live in the area, and it reminds me of San Francisco... -
3/2/07, 12:53 AM
Anonymous said...
Looks like you have the Buckeye vote locked up Rog. Other candidates might need to put Ken Blackwell on the ticket as VP. I see the tickets in '08 with both of the VP candidates being black. One of them however, will have a real political resume, and have won statewide more than once.
Casca -
3/2/07, 12:55 AM
Anonymous said...
"McCain does not need South Carolina's pissant 8 votes to go with AZ' 10. "
McCain's first problem isn't winning the general election. His first problem is getting the nomination.
He distinctly remembers what happened to him in the 2000 S.C. primary when Geo. Bush won. Once Geo. won S.C., he had the Repub nomination wrapped up. S.C. is the key primary state. Whoever wins the S.C. primary gets the nomination -- period.
That's why McCain is going to tap Graham as his V.P. That's why McCain is going to win the S.C. primary. That's why McCain is going to become the Repub nominee.
The Aristocrats! -
3/2/07, 7:04 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
So, McCain is going into the SC primary having announced that Graham is his running mate? Or is it that you think McCain will live up to some privately struck deal with the weasel if he wins the nomination?
3/2/07, 7:59 AM
Anonymous said...
I see the Republicans are going to rip their candidates to shreds because none of them are pure enough, making this a cakewalk for Shrillary.
Sigh. -
3/2/07, 8:10 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Yeah, well the Donks have their own problems as well. McCain is the Manchurian candidate, and I had nearly forgotten Giuliani's disgraceful persecution of Michael Milikin and the "handcuffs on Wall Street' terror. Do we want to give them a pass just because they're "front runners?"
Fortunately for Rudy all America needs to hear is the phrase "junk bonds" and Rudy is off the hook. Maybe the best guy is Newt, but the democrats did such a great job of demonizing him I don't think he can overcome it. I've thought about overthrowing the gummit and fixing things myself, but I can't think about it until I've finished spackling. -
3/2/07, 9:01 AM