
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Yes, you can meet with Barry. Here's how

*swoon & snort"
"What you have with Barack Obama is a lack of character"
Early Obama enabler, Steve Rogers

Res Ipsa Loquitur

There are two chapters in The Amateur that deal with how  Obama treats supporters, even big time supporters, after he's through with them.  Guess what?  They ain't around for 2012, and Obama is panicking. (Just now, while I was prepping this post, I ran across this on Drudge - "... switches from 2008 Obama  bundler to Romney backer" ). 

And here's Steve Rogers, a "Day One" Obama supporter and money man.  His sentiments are those of damned near everybody who thought they had a "friend" in Obama, from Oper to Caroline Kennedy.(LOL).  (page 33)
Res Ipsa Loquitur


  1. Rodgers doesn't display much character himself.

  2. Oh, boo-hoo. The president hurt his feelings. Ya big wussy.

  3. Rats, sinking ship. Some disassembly required.

    Not near enough and not near fast enough, unfortunately.

    Sir H the Comet

  4. And there are people that are suprised by this? That didn't know this from the start?

  5. I prefer the term: ( common ghetto term)

    Freckle Faced Mother Fucker

  6. Actually, he's a piss poor politician. Like every other job, he's just not up to it.


  7. This is a great book. Should be required reading for all people of voting age.

    Buzz D.


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