
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Official poll

Today's Poll*

Would you support the  summary execution of anyone caught casting an illegal ballot in federal elections?

Yes - 68%
No   - 12%
Undecided 20%

* 23,873,000 people channeled by the Official Polling Institute


  1. Absolutely! I felt so strongly about it that I voted twice for "Yes"

  2. Today I executed my first Unfriend at fb. Not being needy for numbers of "friends" my list is not that long. But I just couldn't take another post promoting "It's a great day when I wake up in the morning and Barak Obama is President" followed by latest Liberal (stool) post. Ya know? It's like this:

    Let a man meet a bear robbed of her cubs,
    Rather than a fool in his folly.
    *Proverbs 17:12*


  3. BTW, apply this answer to both the above and below posts.

  4. I think public thrashing has been widely overlooked as a corrective measure for political crimes.

    Really, can you think of any Dem who wouldn't benefit from a good old fashioned caning? Hillary needs 100 strokes for every diplomatic casualty. Maybe then our embassy Marines would be supplied with real bullets.

  5. Steve in Greensboro9/13/12, 12:15 PM

    I would fully support executing anyone voting for Obama, illegally or otherwise, since it is a treasonable act.

  6. Would they STILL be voting DemocRAT?

  7. I suspect 32% of those polled were polled illegally

  8. Execution is a little harsh. I propose keelhauling. I'd even let them spend a few minutes hyperventilating so they can hold their breath longer.


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