
Thursday, September 13, 2012


Today's Intercepted Document
Res Ipsa Loquitor

Monied interests are corrupting our whole political system ...   in Charlotte, dubbed Wall Street South, we busted up big banks with giant bra toss actions outside Bank of America HQs. ... Next we’re taking our powerful pink action team to New York City to mark the one-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street.

Monied interests indeed. I'm obliged always to include bio information with this lot.  They were front and center during the "Arab Spring (into Muslim Brotherhood arms)" orchestrated rebellion that took down Mubarak, and they had administration help from guess who? 


Next, the demonstrators prepared to go to Egypt, to participate in a Hamas-organized "Gaza Freedom March," again to protest Israeli policy. Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin told the media that Hamas “has pledged to ensure our safety” in Egypt. Joining Code Pink on the trip were former Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.

Code Pink members “subscribe in varying degrees to strands of Marxist, neo-Marxist, and progressive left-wing thought, and their ideas belong to a long and complex history of radical politics going back to the early Bolsheviks.”

Between 2008 and 2010, Code Pink made nine trips to Egypt in a campaign to undermine the Egyptian government, which was on friendly terms with Israel and was helping to enforce the Israeli blockade against Gaza. Then, when riots erupted in Egypt in late January 2011—ostensibly protesting the autocratic and corrupt regime of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak—Code Pink representatives were on the ground in Cairo from the very start of the uprising. In early February 2011, Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin reported that her organization had already raised more than $10,000 for the anti-Mubarak protesters. In an effort to augment that sum, Code Pink issued an emergency appeal for an additional $5,000 to fund “the next big uprising” against the Egyptian government.

Code Pink receives financial support from the Tides Foundation, the Streisand Foundation, and the New Priorities Foundation. [Code Pink Profile]


  1. WWTDD?

    Gasoline + orange juice = napalm.

    That's what he said...

  2. Steve In Tulsa9/13/12, 6:09 PM

    Wasp spray eliminates cockroaches. Just spray in the corners and under appliances. Then spray all thresholds. Done!

  3. Wasp Spray is also better than Pepper Spray or a stun gun. Accurate up to 15-20 feet. Gets in your eyes and you're done for. We keep cans on the nightstand along with some noisier stuff.

  4. The RA at my college daughter's dorm spotter her pepper spray and told her that she wasn't allowed to have that in the dorm. So we replaced it with a can of bee and wasp spray. Good thing she didn't see the Taser in her purse...

  5. I carry a big can of that in my truck in case of minor stuff.
    The Kimber is for major.


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