
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Cancer Cells

Oh My

cuzzin ricky


  1. It looks like the AQ pukes that the Libyan government handed the US ambassador to raped him before they killed him.

    We need Vlad the Impaler in the Whitehouse.

    I suggest starting with the entire Libyan consular mission to the US.

  2. "Religion of Peace"

    yeah, keep remembering that while the barbarians continue their rampage.

  3. The White House pastry chef was telling me that Mooch had a cot set up in the kitchen. The only way they could get her out of there was to install a walk-in cooler in her personal quarters.

  4. Steve in Greensboro9/13/12, 12:17 PM

    When dealing with Muslims, we should adhere to the Derbyshire rule: "rubble don't cause trouble".

  5. Obama said the mob was taking the ambassador to the hospital and the press swooned at their humanitarian efforts. Still no follow up as far as I know.

  6. Looks like America's version of Flat Fatima. Everyone knows the SCOAMF hasn't been near the WH in ages.

  7. One of these days they are gonna have to start letting the Marines at embassies have live ammo.

    Right now, they are just there to die before the bastards get to the civilians.



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