
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

When is enough going to be enough?

Arizona nursing student suspended as ‘bigot’ for requesting class in English

Res Ipsa Loquitor

A nursing student attending Pima Community College in Arizona was suspended from class and subjected to accusations of bigotry when she asked that the course she paid for be conducted in English.

The student, Terri Bennett, 50, initially complained in April to school officials because she said the Spanish-dominated discussions in her class room were preventing her from learning, Townhall reported. The college nursing program director, David Kutzler, then allegedly called her “a bigot” and an expletive, and suspended her. [Full]

Forgive me for wondering how many of her classmates are citizens, or have a green card?  But then,  someone already took them horses out of the barn, ain't they?.


  1. I lived in a tiny orchard town in Washington when I was in the fifth grade. It was a school of 60 kids. There were four of us that were white (one other kid my age, and two twin 9 year olds) and the rest were Hispanic. The teacher had to dumb down the classes so much that I literally had to sit out in the "library" (basement) by myself and study from a book. I taught myself the fifth grade because of this sort of pandering bullshittery.


  2. So I was listening to CSPAN yesterday when the House was holding it's "Child Immigration" hearings. 3 of the 4 witnesses were either illegals or children of illegals. All listed how wonderfully they did in US high schools and colleges, mostly funded by US taxpayers. Freedom is free for some I guess...

  3. An old girlfriend of mine in San Diego worked a grade school that abutted the border. All of the students had phony addresses on this side of the border, and trooped across daily. She caught Tuberculosis.


  4. During my citizenship ceremony, the judges apparently could not speak English, just Castillano...

    The problem is not illegal immigrants, but all south american latinos IN THE US!.

    That mafia has taken over the southern USA border AND IMMIGRATION.
    The "Illegals" are just those latinos with not enough brains
    to get legal, because that "Tan KKK" make it a piece of cake to be.


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