
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Kenny Shopsin

   At The Cinema                           


Res Ipsa Loquitor

  When I was younger I was as big as I am now.  Everyday when I went home this lady was sitting on the stoop and said "Fat Fucking Jew Bastard."  Every day, "Fat Fucking Jew Bastard."   I went on a diet and lost a bunch of weight.  One day she says "Fucking Jew Bastard."  I thought wow, she just complimented me!" - Kenny Shopsin

I just felt so comfortable the entire time I was watching this documentary  about a little Greenwich Village. restaurant run by Kenny Shopsin and his family.  Period.  Kenny is a cross between the Soup Nazi and the dude who slips you a fiver when you're down and out.  I loved it and gave it five stars.  There are a ton of stories about Kenny; this is oneI Like Killing Flies is currently streaming on Netflix Instant Watch 


  1. I just read a little about this guy. Not quite sure what I think. Will have to add the movie to my queue. Thanks Rodge!


  2. The story goes that if he serves liver you can bet he had relations with it the night before.

  3. It does once you read Portnoy's Complaint... but don't read it.


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