
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Little Dog, Big Bark

Tails of the Gun

" . Sent from my iPhone

Me: 50 cal?

"smibsid" 243 , The neighbors thought a plane had crashed ; )

Me:  .243?!?  What- 300g?
> I know - he was shooting at a block of c-4, right?

"smibsid" .Just a reactive target , that you can purchase at any gunshop . I was 
shocked myself ! You should see the freaking mess I've got to clean 
up ; )


  1. Never have taken one of these targets out yet. The state of Washington is trying hard to ban them, if I remember correctly. They attribute them to forest fires.


  2. I want a target that screams bloody murder when you hit dead center and "oh shit that hurt" when you hit outside the circle.

  3. I don't know about forrest fires , but I know I $#!+ my pants ! ; ) > SMIBSID

  4. Reactive targets are usually made of tannerite. This is a mix of ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder. There's no fire involved. I took out an old ice chest at 75 yards with 8 pounds of the stuff, turned the ice chest into plastic confetti.


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