
Thursday, August 08, 2013

Obama, Biden and Kerry walk into a war ...

Okay.  I Probably Sold Obama Short ...

   “The threat is much smaller in terms of al Qaeda returning,” Kerry said on the plane. But, he added, “in undoing what you’ve done, you do Res Ipsa Loquitorhave to be thoughtful about not creating chaos and losing what you’ve gained.”  

Of course, if the Taliban agreed to lay down its arms in exchange for a share of power, Afghanistan would no longer need to defend itself. That was a major reason that both Kerry and Obama had begun speaking less about military success in Afghanistan and more about reaching a political deal.(NYT)
I'm willing to swallow pride and admit that President Obama has exceeded my expectations.  After both Biden and Kerry began Pox Obama in 2009,  by insulting  Afghan President Karzai—by telling him he was corrupt (although the irony was delicious), for starters—I gave him a year to squander all of the Bush success in  reducing the Taliban to invisible, and utterly destroying  al-Queda's infrastructure. 

 It took him four years to take  the world back to Ground Zero.   Sorry.

Al Qaeda Flag Flies High Above Christian Churches

With the ouster of Muhammad Morsi, Egypt’s Islamists have finally gotten the pretext they need to cleanse the nation of its Christian minority, the Copt’s—ironically, Egypt’s most native sons.
Res Ipsa Loquitor
  The unprecedented hate currently being visited on them is fueled by Islam’s “How Dare You?” phenomenon: As conquered non-Muslims, Christians must live as dhimmis, that is, according to traditional Islamic teaching, barely tolerated “infidels” who must be humble and submissive—to the point that they are not permitted to raise their hands to Muslims even when attacked.  (Pictured -Beheaded in Sinai for being Christian: remains of Magdy Lam‘i Habib)

Let us not forget that it was Obama who engineered the Arab Spring uprising that installed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood (now our ally in Syria!!).   And this, one of a current spate of HFS! stories out there. .


World War III? is an interesting take on the closing of our embassies in North Africa and the Middle East?  Fay Voshell, writing in The American Thinker, thinks it may be more important than just a coordinated terror attack.  It could be we have been told by Israel that they will be attacking Iran shortly.  I hope so.



  1. Everyone who knows me knows I am NOT religious, but I hope they also know I'm not anti-religious, especially not anti-Christian (as a former belonger). I have become ever more disgusted at the anti Christian treatment I see directed at believers around the world, starting with the USA and observed mainly in the Muslim countries.
    I believe that the USA government should have as a first priority, when it comes to any kind of aid, that recipients should afford fair and equal treatment to all faiths.
    Of course this will never happen in Muslim areas and therefore we could just save billions and billions......I don't really care what the consequences of this cutoff would be, I'm just sick and tired of the attacks on Christianity, which I take personally as an attack on all of our Western values and civilization. I don't think one has to be a member of the Christian faith to understand that it is the source of our ideals.
    See, I take an attack on Christianity as an attack on me, and I don't take very damn kindly to it.

  2. After the way Obama has treated Israel do you really think they would tell us anything except to FO?

    Hopin they bomb everything to dust x

  3. Bammy and Pooty Poot arming both sides of the slimes so they destroy each other better? What is wrong with that...WHAT A WONDERFUL WAR!!!

  4. Israel isn't going to "do" squat as long at the Mulatto Mujahedeen is enthroned. I'm pretty sure they know he will nuke them.


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