
Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Congressman Mike Rogers' opening statement on Health Care reform in Washington D.C.


cuzzin ricky


  1. I can't even remember who the sage was that told me, but about 50 years ago someone said to me, "In 50 years you wont be able to tell the difference between us and Russia (Communists).....Beginning to look like he was wrong as we become Communistic and Russia (probably) becomes more of what we used to be.


  2. That POS Rogers, should be as forthcoming with what information the NSA is collecting on US Citizens. He's the Committee Chairman, after all.

    He can take his outrage and stick it, somewhere!

  3. The man didn't come off as sincere. Maybe if he was forced to accept the same medical plan as everyone else he could muster some real emotion.

  4. The man didn't come off as sincere ...

    was he making it up do you think?

  5. Nope, he didn't make it up Rodge but it seemed to me he was simply going through the motions. The man do not feel our pain. His health insurance didn't get cancelled today due to Obamacare. In fact he just got word that he and all his little helpers get a free ride at my expense. Nope, not sincere.

  6. When one of the "indignant" Congress critters chokes the shit out of a liberal colleague, or stomps a mud hole in their ass, I might begin to feel they're sincere. Until then, their mindless jabber is more crap to pile on the plates of tyrannical public servants.


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