
Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Wire Tappers

Oh My


  1. The Democrats will never let it happen. They will get their 60-foot-high statue of the First Black President on the Washington Mall no matter what.

  2. Yep, and twenty years from now, a pissed off public will drag it over and haul it to the dump.

  3. Admittedly, I didn't pay much attention in biology class, but I wonder if a white woman can have a "black" baby. Around our house we call him the "first mulatto president." (It was a compromise because Mrs. Skyhawker objected to me shouting "Ni***r!" at the TV every time his self appeared on the screen.) Aside from everything else, I suspect use of that word, which I think has yet to be banned by the PC Nazis, could drive the left even farther over the edge if it were employed more widely. It accurately describes that there is nothing pure about the man - except evil, - it sounds much more educated than "ni***r", and with any luck it will probably infuriate them more. -- General Petty Officer 5th Class Skyhawker Doug

  4. Stole this pic Roger. Doug Skyhawker, my wife strangely objects to my using that word too. Funny, that right I mean after all if it looks like a turd and smells like a turd it is likely shit right????


  5. I have this unquenchable urge to shout "Assh*le" at the top of my lungs every time I see Teh Won.
    I can picture the 'rally', standing up, and letting go over the mellifluous tones of the Teleprompter Reader. Instant silence. Humbled look on the face of Reader for a few seconds, as if someone had found him out, and called him on it.
    The other word begins with a male chicken and rhymes with pucker. He'd stop on that one too...


  6. I have the urge to shoot my big screen. Thanks goodness it's almost as good to just shut him off and to come here and annoy Rodge and a few of his buddies.


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