
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Rev. Frog has done drowned



Feds Forced Churches to Get Baptism Permits

Res Ipsa Loquitor

  The National Park Service began enforcing a policy recently that required churches to obtain special use permits in order to baptize in public waters. As part of the same permit process, the NPS also mandated that churches give the Park Service 48 hours advance notice of pending baptisms. [Take the plunge]

Many weak-kneed communists reason as follows: 'Religion does not prevent my being a communist. I believe both in God and in communism. My faith in God does not hinder me from fighting for the cause of the proletarian revolution.'

This train of thought is radically false. Religion and communism are incompatible, both theoretically and practically.

Every communist must regard social phenomena (the relationships between human beings, revolutions, wars, etc.) as processes which occur in accordance with definite laws. The laws of social development have been fully established by scientific communism on the basis of the theory of historical materialism which we owe to our great teachers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. This theory explains that social development is not brought about by any kind of supernatural forces. Nay more.

The same theory has demonstrated that the very idea of God and of supernatural powers arises at a definite stage in human history, and at another definite stage begins to disappear as a childish notion which finds no confirmation in practical life and in the struggle between man and nature. But it is profitable to the predatory class to maintain the ignorance of the people and to maintain the people's childish belief in miracles (the key to the riddle really lies in the exploiters' pockets), and this is why religious prejudices are so tenacious, and why they confuse the minds even of persons who are in other respects able.
(N.I. Bukharin and E. Preobrazhensky: The ABC of Communism continued)

In short, you cannot worship the state and God at once. American Democrats have been tipping  their hand on this for 30 years now.  It's apparently showdown time  as we speak.


  1. That's nothing, Tebow got cut. Now the Tea Party is really pissed.

  2. A few weeks ago, a missionary priest spoke at our church. He is a missionary to the Ukraine. The Church there is slowly recovering from the years of Communist rule. He said something that stuck with me: Communism guarantees cradle to grave security. There is no unemployment - every one has a job, even if it is meaningless and pays next to nothing. All Communism wants is your SOUL.

  3. They might want to back off. They're reaching the point they're going to even piss off Jesus.

  4. Also, just another way for government to raise revenue.
    I'd rather have a baptism going on next to me than what we have encountered in some waters.

    IN the 70's Lake Tahoe was pristine and glorious. Most of it still is. But returning to a north shore beach in 2002-3 we had to move somewhere else due to the amount and type of disgusting content in the shallow shore line. OH, yeah, the beach was crowed with non English speaking folks from south of the border who found it fit to swim with kotex pads and used disposable baby diapers in the water.

    How about the Feds cleaning that one up before going after the Christians? What border problem??


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