
Sunday, September 01, 2013

TECHNO CHILLS                      

sometime after Wed, you may want to visit

IT can be disconcerting to learn what, not to mention how much, marketers know about us. Consider a consumer like Scott E. Howe.

Res Ipsa LoquitorVisitors who log in may be surprised at the volume of information that may be available and the detailed picture it can give of their personal lives. The household interest section, for instance, listed Mr. Howe as interested in health and medical issues (he subscribes to health industry trade journals and founded a site called; crafts (he periodically works with stained glass); woodworking (he paid for his undergraduate education at Princeton in part by working as an apprentice carpenter); tennis (he was on his high school team); gardening (his wife subscribes to Fine Gardening magazine); and “religious/inspirational.”

Where is Ted Kaczynski when you really need him?

cuzzin ricky


  1. I. Am. So. Screwed.

  2. I guess they know why I have to wear glasses...

  3. Guess I shouldn't have purchased all those AR parts on line.


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