
Saturday, August 10, 2013


The Mormon Boy in Magic Underpants and the
Virgin Beauty Queen Who Gave Blowjobs Who
Kidnapped Him.  And Her Magical Booger.

  Tabloid (2010) is an American documentary film by Errol Morris. It tells the story of Joyce McKinney, a former Miss Wyoming, who in the 70s was accused of kidnapping and raping Kirk Anderson,  an American Mormon missionary. The incident, known as the Mormon sex in chains case, became a major tabloid story in Britain and triggered a circulation battle between two popular newspapers, The Daily Mirror and The Daily Express.

That thumbnail account from Wikipedia doesn't begin to describe the Joyce McKinney story.  Damnedest thing I've ever watched.  In the end I don't blame anybody;  not her Mormon boyfriend, not Joyce, not even the tabloids..  It's just way wacky, and fun.  Way. I watched it on NetFlix.


  1. This post was poltergeisted. Took me an hour to do what should take 5 minuminutes. I smell NAS

  2. So this got me reading a lot of that case. Pretty amusing how we can all laugh at rape as long as it's some big dude. You make a crack about it in a comedy club about a woman though, get ready for a public castration.



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