
Friday, September 06, 2013

Another gift to Hillary from a Bush

                      —   Bush, you silly berk

Res Ipsa Loquitor

And former Florida governor Jeb Bush is presenting the award to her, not reluctantly, but willingly.  After all, he’s the NCC Chairman:

“Former Secretary Clinton has dedicated her life to serving and engaging people across the world in democracy,” Bush, the NCC’s chairman, said in a statement announcing the award. “These efforts as a citizen, an activist, and a leader have earned Secretary Clinton this year’s Liberty Medal.”

Tell me, Governor Bush, what does Ambassador Stevens get for making the ultimate sacrifice? How about Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty?Will the families of the dead be present for Hillary's award?

All the President’s Women (Part 2): Hillary Clinton


  1. Barky getting the Nobull Peace Price sure set a bad precedent, didn't it?

  2. Steve in Greensboro9/7/13, 12:56 AM

    Can Jeb give us a concrete example or two of who Ma Clinton "served and engaged in democracy"? Web Hubbell? Charlie Trie? Jim McDougall? Vince Foster, maybe?

    How about Paula Jones? Juanita Broaddrick? Gennifer Flowers? Kathleen Willey? Monica? No. That was Pa Clinton that served those last few.

  3. This goes beyond parody.

  4. "Oll thees, and heaven too uh"

  5. For a second there I read that "earned Secretary Clinton this year’s Liberal Medal.” and thought, liberal governor give medal to liberal pantsuit for being er liberal - yep - that's about right..

  6. It's probably got something to do with all the Mexicans and Red Chinese that somehow got in the country during Clinton's eight years of serving cookies.

    You know the Progressive Republicans don't even care to hide it anymore.


  7. Who is it that said. . .that Jeb was the smart one?

    Between this and "Common Core" can we add his name to the Dead to Me list now and end all the '16 boolchit?


  8. Steve in Greensboro, I'd say Chelsea is pretty strong evidence Hillary "served and engaged" Web Hubbell.


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