
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Clucks Named Kerry and Obama

Clucks Cluck

Res Ipsa Loquitor

German intel shows Assad did not order Syria gas attack: report
The tabloid Bild am Sonntag reported over the weekend that a German intelligence ship deployed in the eastern Mediterranean intercepted messages among Syrian officials that indicate Mr. Assad’s commanders went behind his back in launching the chemical weapons after he tried to block them.

McCain: Maybe Obama should go ahead and bomb Assad without Congress’s approval
A little taste of what might have been during a McCain presidency.
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McCain acknowledged the decision would be a difficult one for Obama, but  said of the GOP "They are not going to impeach the president. They’re not that crazy.”   McCain just days ago threatened  Obama's impeachmet  if "boots hit the ground," just after voting in the Senate to allow just that.  An as an aside, had McCain become president, I'm guessing he'd have eaten some bad brownies in 2009 and  President Palin  would never ever have made John Kerry Sec/State.

CIA Director promises to produce Benghazi survivors for Congressional testimony

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But Wait!  Secy Kerry tells congress he will not honor the request to make Benghazi survivors available for questioning. 
This once again casts light on the tension between the CIA and State Department over Benghazi.  In the immediate aftermath of the sacking  ...


  1. Were not the Krauts and Frogs the Axis of Weasels? Yes, they were. I wouldn't trust their Intel any more that John Kerry's.

    When it comes to Muslims I'm going with their own mass murdering dictators every time. The headchoppers did it.

  2. Did somebody say something about brownies? Yum.

  3. Grandpa, who had been drinking shlivovitz all morning, went out to the coop and killed, then plucked the one and only rooster in the flock and gave it to Baboushka to cook for dinner.
    When he realized what he had done, he put up the icon of Holy Mother on the henhouse door, hoping for chicks from infertile eggs.
    Nah.....there'll be no immaculate conceptions in this henhouse!

  4. Is it just me or is that lady freaking hot as hell?

  5. Trust me Chris in NC, it's just you!

  6. lol, that's what I thought...

  7. Don't listen to that shit Chris. This is Russian gurl, hot for sex. Things are slow down at the dacha.


  8. Hot as hell?

    Best that you lay off the shlivovitz.


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