
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Road Runner

Beep Beep


  1. Nanny Bloomberg warned us of these needless sugary-drink-related tragedies. How many potential personal injury claims could your average scooter (ambulance) chaser come up with out of this picture?

  2. gotta blame the road runner for this mishap

  3. As I was saying last week to fellow mobility challenged at the World of Wally, "It would seem to me that though we are old, slow, and on way to many hear medications slowing us down, the last thing we'd want is to get on one of those mobility scooters. It's hard enough to exercise as it is.","Yes I wonder how many were that fat before or after they got the scooters."

  4. For technical assistance with scooters refer to South Park (Eric Cartman).


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