
Monday, September 09, 2013

DC Gun Lunacy

Police State Culture

Res Ipsa Loquitor
Washington police are operating under orders to arrest tourists and other non-residents traveling with spent bullet or shotgun casings, a crime that carries a $1,000 fine, a year in jail and a criminal record, according to a new book about the city's confusing gun laws.

"Empty shell casings are considered ammunition in Washington, D.C., so they are illegal to possess unless you are a resident and have a gun registration certificate," pens Emily Miller in her investigative book, "Emily Gets Her Gun: ... But Obama Wants to Take Yours."

Under the law, live or empty brass and plastic casings must be carried in a special container and unavailable to drivers. Having one, for example, in a cup holder or ash tray is illegal. [Full]

This beats New Jersey banning air guns all to hell.  I saw this last week, and it is testament to how rancid things have become that I put it in a queue and nearly forgot about it. 


  1. When I pack for a trip, the first thing that goes in the suitcase is a big handful of empties. Golly, I don't know what I'd do without them.

  2. I have a gallon size baggie full of grenade pins that I travel with. Never mind trying to figure out how to transport an inert 40mm training round across country.

    BTW, Jersey and DC are a coin toss.


  3. Humm - So DC's former mayor got 6 months in the slammer for sucking on a crack pipe, but an empty shell case will get you a minimum of a year in jail (according to this )

  4. Mexico imprisoned a AZ man several years ago for having a spent 9mm case in the bed of his pickup.
    I proly have the making for a small ammo store in my truck.And I am sure a couple empty cartridges as well...
    Washington DC; just as bad as Mexico...

  5. RAK made me a belt buckle and key chain that hold 4 and 1 bullet respectively. I have the belt loaded with .45 casings, but the key chain is live. I imagine that would be cause for them to shoot me on the spot if I was pulled over in DC.

  6. So, anyone that has an 0bama sticker on their car I would put an empty casing on their windsheild of their prius on a hot day and report them.


  7. *or in an open window on a hot day

  8. TheGrittyEdge9/10/13, 4:02 AM

    I am going to glue a thousand cases to a board in the shape of a middle finger and call it "art". and mail it to the mayors officel


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