
Monday, September 09, 2013

The Alec Baldwin Show - Hoo Boy

Meet The MSNBC All-Stars                  

I recently aksed (of Karen Finney) "Where do MSNBC find these people?  Well, with today's announcement that they are giving Alec Baldwin a Friday night show, we know Referrals from rage control hotline centers.  One must also ask why owner GE allow this misinformed, leftwing hate machine to keep using their electricity?  They have laughable ratings, and are a constant source of embarrassment.  The only conclusion I can draw is that CBS GE muck-a-mucks subscribe to the ideology.


  1. You mean NBC...right?? Or did CBS buyout NBC? Might be a good deal for them, I can't see it costing much nowadays.


  2. GE is an incredible company. It's not even a company it's a force of nature. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Of course they subscribe. There are very evil men and women in high positions all around the globe..a lot of them work for GE.

  3. There's a Klan joke in there, somewhere, too.


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