
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

No Hyperbole Found Here

Victim of 'I Hate White People' Attack Dies ...

Res Ipsa Loquitor


  1. Cue Captain Renault.......

  2. I don't keep score but I keep a fairly accurate tally and a semi auto in my pocket.

  3. I know this is off topic, but since Tim mentioned Renault (yeah - I know - the Casablanca one), and in this bar I can drink as much as I want, did you see where the Pope is driving a 20 year old Renault? With +300K miles on it? I am really liking that guy...

    Yeah, it is a bit early to be drinking, but I have to work today...

  4. Me too, He's the real deal. Did you catch Benedict's explanation for stepping down? Told to in a vision.

  5. "I don't keep score but I keep a fairly accurate tally and a semi auto in my pocket. "

    Same here. 12+1 and a spare mag and my wife carries a wee .380 so we have each I'd like to think that we would be a "Tragic error in the victim selection process"


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