
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Do-Over

Matched Pairs


  1. You know that Persian rug stinks. A lot. That's what I see (tm by TRKOF)

  2. No toilet paper so it must be a Muslim bathroom. That's what I see.

  3. Jeeze! I focused so much on the "un"matched set of stool and tub I missed the most obvious pet-peve in my world: Carpet in a bathroom!!!
    Oh, and yes. Where is the TP anyway?

    Wait. Was I 'spose to notice some other kind of pair here, boss?

  4. It's a poor man's hot tub and a muslim foot bath.

  5. No rollover? I can't see her matched pair.

  6. I see a strange mismatch..... The modern looking commode and the hideously ugly, out of date tub.

  7. Of course y'all are used to the sometimes incomprehensible thought process behind my photochops, and I appreciate it. The all time best decipherer is Juice, who once caught the obscure meaning behind simple picture of a meatloaf. But I digress.

    What I saw here was a bathroom make-over from hell juxtaposed with any woman's reaction when hubby proudly presented it. I chopped from experience.

  8. ONe of your funniest photochop jokes ever, was the wallet and eye glasses of a jumper on the bridge next to the help phone, as best as I can remember.


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