
Monday, September 02, 2013

Oreo Surprise


  Obama Surprise Cookies ?
Res Ipsa Loquitor

few weeks ago I posted a picture of the Turducken of Cookies—Choc Chip Oreo Surprise.  Today I had a hankerin'.  Took 20 minutes start to finish using Pillsbury cookie mix.


  1. Brilliant! Making cookies out of cookies. Whodathunkit?

  2. Obama 'surprise cookies' ... you have to eat it to find out what's in it.

    OTOH, I would not be surprised if they were not trying to recycle solid waste, given the track record so far.
    Sure seems that way. AKA a sh*t sammich...


  3. Crisco w/ added powdered sugar inside of dried crisco dough. yum.

    A suggestion: Try the Toll House recipe on the Nestles morsels bag. Use actual food to make it [butter, etc] You will smile.

    Use actual chocolate [Scharffenbergers] and you will grin like a happy drunk!

    [/food snob]

    *unsigned ; >


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