
Monday, September 02, 2013

Thanking God for abortions? JFC!

When Democrats are in charge                                               

Res Ipsa Loquitor

      They made the unusual decision, for Democrats, to begin the event with a prayer. This was likely in response to a prayer vigil being conducted by pro-life activists at the same time nearby.

    Des Moines activist Midge Slater took the podium and spent five and a half minutes thanking God for abortion rights, abortion doctors and taxpayer funding for abortions. She also referred to the decision to have an abortion as “a blessing”.

    During the entire prayer, State Senator Jack Hatch and Rep. Tyler Olson, both of whom are running for governor, kept their heads bowed and eyes closed, joining in the group prayer.

Nobody yet has told me how we might have a conversation with Democrats, and this is why.  There are none. No way.  Nada.  Let me define "Democrat," so there is no misunderstanding about whom we speak.  A Democrat voted for Obama.  The stain is indelible.


  1. I don't know because I wasn't there but it seems to me the differences between the North and the South during that recent unpleasantness was not this pronounced neither was the hatred so strong. At least not until the shooting started.

  2. Democrats are just confused...You can tell when they describe themselves as "left" and Nazis as "right". Unless they're thinking of the pair as wings on a common bird (The Rok) which carried away the elephant and dropped him to his death and then flew down and consumed him.

  3. Ronald Reagan - "I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been

    People who support the right to "choose" deny the right of others to disagree.
    If they have no problem with abortion, do they have a problem with postpartum abortion? What is the difference? The question of "when is it a human being" should be replaced with "when does life begin?" They have no problem killing life in utero, but a staggering problem with killing serial murderers ...


  4. Well it all depends to which Lord they call upon. I'm guessing The Lord of the Flies. These people are twisted beyond evil. And, probably why they defend serial killers. They are akin.

  5. When I saw that video the first thing I thought of was if the chivalrous code the West has lived by can now be amended. Why should that person speaking and those females attending be considered women? Can we beat them with our fists now, please? I'm pretty sure it's what George Washington would do.


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