Sunday, January 15, 2006

Fox News Julian Phillips is an idiot

Reassign Phillips, and Bring Me Wendel(l) Golfer
I'm forced to think that race is the reason Julian Phillips has a job at FOX.  There is no other reason this nincompoop could survive there.  This weekend host of  Fox & Friends drove me away weeks ago, but Mark Finkelstein, who spends weekdays dissecting "Couric and Pack,"  takes up the slack, and reports -- "Fox's Phillips Surmises Snap Searches Sufficient for Stopping Iran Nukes

If Fox News insists on  using race as a staffing criterion (and shame on them if the are), then why not put newsman Wendel Goler in Phillips' stead?  From what I've seen of him, Goler is intelligent, and capable of  thinking on his feet.  One reason they don't use Goler may be that they don't know he works for them.  I tried to find a picture of him, and even queried FNC's own search box.  This is what I got.

Yeah ... that guy.  Wendel Golfer.  Sheesh.
Joyce commented below that she was able to find Wedell Goler using CNN's search (Note the two LL's)  Okay, let's try FOX search box again.

Bwahhaaaa! But, all this is beside the point that Julian Phillips is a nerf.


Anonymous said...

After much ado about nincompoop, I found it w/a CNN search. (place to search lib sh**). Name spelling was missing one L. Hehe


Rodger the Real King of France said...

LOL ... see UPDATE

Anonymous said...

But, yes. Julian Phillips is a nerf (good reference). I was awake very early today and caught him on FOX. Words to some effect of ["should we really be challenging this authority?"] with regard to the idot judge who no longer believes in punishment for a child rapist. Nah, let's just all respect 'his' position. What a kook.
PLUS, just something weird I noticed about him: When he raised his left hand to gesture while speaking, he kept curling just the last two fingers...the pinky and ringman. What is that about? joyce

Anonymous said...

PLUS, just something weird I noticed about him: When he raised his left hand to gesture while speaking, he kept curling just the last two fingers...the pinky and ringman. What is that about? joyce

Gang sign.

When they took Juliet Huddy off that show I lost my reason for watching it. Plus, the Carpal Tunnel in my right hand cleared up.

Anonymous said...

After a chunk of FOX was bought by Al-Waleed bin Talal, I really believe it's turned into the original CNN. I don't know what CNN has turned into in the last decade (Quit watching them). It was kinda like watching (so many) 'publicans becoming demoncrats, and (virtually all) demoncrats becoming communists. I don't trust ANYTHING I see on the News (without digging and verifying). Remember kids, Fox droned on and on about the "Valerie Plame, Super Duper, Covert, undercover agent" crap (usually ending 20 minutes later with "Oh, by the way, everybody know's this story is crap".

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