Wednesday, May 17, 2006

CNN ''wag the dog'' story a hoax? How?

Today's WTF?
Ace is reporting that the CNN ''wag my dog'' story is a hoax perpetrated by some short haired, closely shaved, deodorized patriot. I'm trying to figger out how.  The screen cap I posted was my own.  I went to the site.  I did a WHOIS, and indeed it is CNN's site I was looking at.  I need some 'splaining Lucy.


Anonymous said...

Rodger, where'd you get that link from originally? I just looked at the CNN home page, and there's no "wagmydog" on the link to that video page in there.

You can put anything on the end of that URL and it'll work. Try This: and that'll work, too.

CNN may be full of Commies, but it doesn't look like they did this one.

Amigo said...

I saw the "wagmydog" when I viewed the link at Apparently I've fallen for something. My apologies.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Hey, we all got caught on this one. Well, almost all. I like that you can add stuff to the end of a link.

Gunner said...

Delete and add ANYTHING after the "?" in the link and it still works. someone just inserted their own view in the link.

Try it. I changed wagmydog to a sexual reference and it still works.

Anonymous said...

So whoever posted the link on Fark is the twat....

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