Saturday, July 08, 2006

Jack Carter

It's been awhile since we assessed Jimmy Carter's son's chances of winning the United States Senate seat from Nevada.  When he announced his run against incumbent John Ensign, a lefty blogger [Hugh Jackson]  called the shot early: "Yes, a Carter candidacy ...  has to be viewed as a genuine example of taking one for the team.''

That didn't stop Jackie (that's his name) from pulling out all the stops. He signed up for a spot on My Space, the popular web  gathering space for confused 14 year olds, and even more confused stalkers, pedophiles, serial rapists, and now, political loons.  (I had to sign up myself  to find him, just so you know.)  I did a search for Jack Carter, and this is the only real one that popped up (there was another guy's face on it, but it sounded like our guy, so I pasted him in). 

There's a big story today in the Las Vegas Weekly [Like Father?] that sugar coats Carter's inevitable ass-kicking, but we do learn something about what drives this man.

"They might call me a carpetbagger who doesn't know the issues facing Nevada," he says. "Local issues aren't so complex. You don't have to live here long to understand we have water supply problems."

"I'm a Democrat because I'm for helping the average American family and not big business," he says. "Democrats talk about issues and not about values. I'm talking about bringing back core American values."

So, to answer the question posed by the Las Vegas Weekly headline, yes, he's Jummy's son. All  dickwad, all the time.


Anonymous said...

"People have an immediate sense of who I am because of my father. They're thinking that the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree."

Hahahahaha! This guy is so stupid he just gave the voters the main reason NOT to vote for him.

Like father, like son....

Anonymous said...

"...gathering space for confused 14 year olds, and even more confused stalkers, pedophiles, serial rapists, and now, political loons."

You didn't include "raging psychotics" or "plagiarists." I feel so excluded.

Cracker Barrel Philosopher said...

Heck, he seems to be unemployed (and likely unemployable). What better place is there for him than as a Donk officeseeker? After his inevitable drubbing, I'm sure a sinecure will be found for him somewhere. Ideally, it will involve a bucket and a mop.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

The job as superintendent of the Jimmy Carter legacy reconstruction project is pretty near at hand, I'll warrant.

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