Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Coulter wins

Make Nice to Leftist Slugs? In a Pig's Eye.
Right Wing News ran a ''Right-Of-Center Bloggers Select Their Least Favorite People On The Right'' deal, and enough respondents think Arlo Sphinter and Lincoln Chafee are ''right of center'' that they bracket Ann Coulter as losers in that poll. I take it that these bloggers don't care for Ann's bedside manner (?) since I've never seen a successful challenge of her on substance. I also get the feeling that they, and others, would prefer a make nice approach when dealing with disingenuousness. You'd think that by now conservatives would wise up to the left's practice of heaping scorn, and casting aspersion upon anybody with the audacity to question their motives, and nobody does that better than Coulter does today.

I was looking for something on embryonic stem cells when I ran across this thread about Ann Coulter's appearance on a show called BBC Newsnight.  Before you watch the video, here are some of the comments: on a thread titled "Ann Coulter Squirms on Newsnight''

This woman is barking- totally barking... And the horrible things she says. What a truly despicable waste of space. - Submitted by karl

I watched Ann Coulter on Newsnight too. I think Paxman's expression was identical to mine when I heard the ridiculous crap she spouting. It was very funny. The only depressing thing is that so many people take her seriously across the pond. -Submitted by Davide Simonetti

David - that thread on Guido's is astonishing! I didn't think there was anyone outside the US who doesn't see Coulter as a Swivel Eyed Loon... What was Paxo supposed to do, take her seriously! It was the fact he didn't even bother to engage that made me laugh.

Stick a pair of tits on Ted Nugent and they would probably lap him up too...

Okay .. watch the actual interview

Did you see a ''squirming?'' And this Paxman fellow is just a stamped out version of our own smug, condescending, and utterly vacuous media canker blossoms. Note the absence of ANY substantive challenge to what Coulter wrote.  Take embryonic stem cells, which debate has drawn slavish support from the ignoramic left.  Here's a clip from the book where Ann makes bold, unequivocal statements about it.

''By contrast, the embryonic stem cell researchers have produced nothing.  They have not even begun one human clinical trial.  They've successfully treated a few rodents, but they keep running into two problems:First, the cells tend to be rejected by the immune system.  Second, they tend to cause malignancies called terratomas - meaning monster tumors. 

" The idea that embryonic stem cells are on the verge of curing anything is absurd ... . The only advantage embryonic stem cells once had over adult stem cells was their ability to transform into any type of cell.  But fast advancing research on adult stem cells has stripped away even that.  As of 2002 , adult stem cells were being converted into all three types of cells the body the body produces during the embryonic development.  And adult stem cells were already curing people!"  - The Church of Liberalism, p 193

If Ann is right, then why did President Bush have to veto congressional embryonic legislation? It was criminally irresponsible of that body to even pass the boondoggle.  So why did they?  Answer: they, we, are enslaved by false ideas pushed on us by a leftist controlled public opinion machine.  Even so-called conservatives are weary of going against the grain when it comes to challenging long standing lies that have gained public acceptance.

If Ann's facts are wrong, where are the challenges? Why didn't this BBC twit challenge her on stem cells, or any of the other hundred factual assertions found in the book? There are none (tut-tutting her lengthy, well documented challenge to Darwinism does not a challenge make).  ZERO.  From anybody.  We got  false charges of plagiarism, and a 150 decibel screech over her two sentence mention of  the contemptible ''Jersey Girls.''  That's it, yet when I've brought this up in conversation I get, ''well I guess I'm just tired of hearing about her.''  I guess the Right-Of-Center Bloggers in Hawkins's poll felt the same way. And they'll get tired of defending Iraq after a fashion too, I suppose. Poop.


Anonymous said...

How DARE someone dissent from the MSM and its lies. This is the same media that lauds Michael Moore and his types for being "revolutionaries of thought" for having the chutzpah to say things no sane man would say and when someone disagrees with not just the tripe they blurt out, but more egregiously, their agenda – such a person must be a right-wing harpy.

Anonymous said...

Coulter is the mythical Van Helsing of our time driving the stake of truth through the black hearts of leftest Democrats.They simply cannot deal with the facts they must attack blindly at the outrage of this petite attractive woman giving the truth with no quarter.

Rodger the Real King of France said...


Anonymous said...

When you've been applauded by the Host, what's left to say? But I've got to add, "Awesome, succinct comment Jack Hamilton."
"Coulter is the mythical Van Helsing of our time driving the stake of truth through the black hearts of leftest Democrats."

Aggravated DocSurg said...

This whole thing comes down to how one performs the basic functions of thinking --- process facts, or simply respond based upon feelings. The media in this country have for the past 40 years worked hard to push feelings over facts, and act like vampires exposed to the sun when forced by folks like Ms. Coulter to respond to simple, factual realities. I think she's great.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

For heaven's sake don't pick up that scalpel until you've had 3-4 Bourbons to calm you down. :D

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