Friday, August 25, 2006

E.J. Dionne Jr.

E.J. Dionne Jr.
When I want keen insight into today's political scene, I rush right over to E.J. Dionne Jr.


E.J. is at his arrogant, elitist, and condescending best today, beginning with the title "A Down Home Lesson for the GOP?"  The lesson is supposed to be that Australia's conservative prime minister, John Howard, has held onto power for a decade because he tricks even liberals (Like Dionne) into wanting stuff like teaching history the old way.

Last week, Howard organized a "history summit" to call attention to the decline of Australian history as a subject in high schools. In most states here, history has been subsumed within (and thus displaced by) a broader social studies curriculum focused on "studies of society and the environment."

"I think we have taught history as some kind of fragmented stew of moods and events," Howard declared, "rather than some kind of proper narrative."

This is the sort of cultural and educational fight familiar to Americans. My gut is with those who see history as a distinct subject. Wherever we live, we should know our country's national story.

Excuse me, but this smacks of Time magazine's revelation, a few years back, that "Men and Women are different."  Besides, that liberals would  promote an honest telling of history is laughable. When ex-history professor Newt Gingrich began a series of instruction on our nation's founding - a History directly opposed to that which liberal icons like Howard Zinn peddle - and broadcast it on GOPAC television, democrats responded with - you guessed it - fabricated charges of illegality, and ethics violations (all subsequently  proved false).  Any way, after this false start, Dionne's commentary dissolves into an olio of liberal claptrap that  I defy anybody to make sense of.  How is it that the New York Times has not stolen this guy for its Op-Ed page?


Anonymous said...

ever wonder if Dionne smokes crack?

or is he snorting to much French 'whine'?

Anonymous said...

EJ Dion is a cross eyed presuptious cocksucker who has been wrong about practicaly everything he has pontificated about. It was just a couple weeks ago that he announced after the primary win of Ned laughing Boy Lamont that it was the beginning of the end of conservatism.

Then this week they announced the results of a study where liberals are having far less kids than conservatives because they kill them while still in the womb and also because liberal men are dickless in general.

Also kids graduating from college now are more conservative than in the past. This clown Dion is an idiot at best.

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