Thursday, August 10, 2006

Mike Wallace - Insane, or Evil?

Mike Wallace - a ring around the CBS tub.

88-year-old CBS journalist says Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a 'reasonable' man on Sean Hannity's ABC radio program... Points out Ahmadinejad not anti-Jewish... just anti-Zionist state. Says many Jews in Iranian Parliament, in great positions in Iranian life... Believes Ahmadinejad sincere in his hope for peaceful coexistence between Iran and West... Troubled by comparisons of leader to Hitler... Marvels at Ahmadinejad's civil engineering degree, 'intellect', 'savvy'... Asks viewers not to bring 'prejudices' to Sunday night '60 MINUTES' broadcast... Proclaims 'discussion' was sincere and not for propaganda purposes... Developing... Matt Drudge

"He's lost it. The man has lost it. What can I say," the younger Wallace lamented to WRKO Boston radio host Howie Carr on Friday.

"He's 87-years old and things have set in," the Fox anchor continued. "I mean, we're going to have a competence hearing pretty soon."  Son, Chris Wallace, December, 2005

Talk about your self-hating Jew. The temptation will be to write this off as the ravings of a demented man.  Even if is is, CBS is grossly irresponsible for allowing the public debate to be poisoned  by a village idiot.  But, I'm not buying it, that Wallace is nuts.  As soon as I saw the Drudge blurb, I remembered a Sunday night, nearly  a dozen years ago, when Wallace drove me nuts. More nuts than usual. His 60 Minutes segment was supposed to be an interview with Christopher Ruddy (now the owner of NewsMax), an actual bulldog reporter who was investigating 1163, or so, discrepancies in the official story surrounding Vince Foster's death. Think Dan Rather at his worst, and you'll have a sense for  the ambush Ruddy walked into. Here's the review I wrote that very night.- to satisfy myself since there was no place to ''post.'' back then.   Mike Wallace was in the tank then, and he still is.


MoFiZiX Gr4FiX said...

Hi Rodge,
I caught Hannity's interview w/ Wallace and the first thing that flipped me the fuck off was when Hannity began the interview by telling Ahmadinejad's newest useful idiot that he was "a great American." I mean, gimme a freakin' break! The whole thing reaks of theatrics. I wished Mark Levin had called in to the show to rip Wallace a new asshole, but I'll bet Hannity was dead set against letting that happen. Hannity can be such a pussy sometimes! Sheesh! I just hope our boys are deep in the planning stages of a serious decap operation geared at taking out that modern day Hitler and his whole fucktard regime. We both know that's the only way there'll ever be any chance at peace in that corner of the world.

Anonymous said...

I have seen a body and the scene where someone comitted suicide with a 38 and a shot to the head. I have went over tons of photos's in study. In all the cases I have seen there was large amounts of blood and bone fragments plusbrain matter and bullet fragments. I have never believed Foster killed himself in that park.I believe he was killed by Livingston or Hillary herself but probably Livingston because I think it would be hard for hillary being watched about everyplace she went.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I don't assert that Foster was killed, although it's a real possibility. I do assert that he did not die at Fort Marcy Park, and that the Clintons engaged in a massive cover-up, destroyed evidence, and lied like hell.

Anonymous said...


outstanding Mr. S...

"Cronkite-like, Wallace could have demonstrated how one could write a note and rip it into pieces, without leaving finger prints"

no doubt, something smells like the negligent crap of the Clintons...

Anonymous said...

I saw a film of a man at a podium announce that he was going to kill himself. He puts the gun in his mouth, pulls the trigger falls to the floor in a sitting position,and blood gushes out of his mouth.
he's clearly dead but blood is pouring in a big stream for several seconds. Boazo

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