Sunday, August 27, 2006

Wal-mart and Christian Cross - Liberal's Hell on Earth

Liberal's Hell on Earth
I don't know where this picture was taken, but it pretty much captures everything liberals hate about America in one fell swoop. If we stipulate that one of those bumpers sports a Support our Troops sticker, it's the whole enchilada.


Anonymous said...

Yep. Good point made here. You find the greatest pics. Juice

Anonymous said...

I bet this photo could be used as a sanity test. If the viewer begins foaming around the mouth we can remove him from the House or Senate at once :-)


Jake said...

Don't forget the Coke machines along the wall. Coca-Cola is the symbol of capitalism around the world.

Anonymous said...

If only there were more SUVs in the parking lot- then it would be perfect...ahhhh.


Anonymous said...

How bad do they hate Wal-Mart? Enough to exploit workers and make children cry. I'm not joking. Read up:
Who? Their name is IFCW. When unions get into the business of exploiting workers, their cause is lost. LOST!!! Is there any hope for the workers of America?

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the gun racks in the pickups.

Anonymous said...

The Walmart Is on Siegen Lane, Baton Rouge, LA. I-10 runs between the crosses and the Walmart, and the Siegen exit is just off to the left about a .5 mile. I don't like 'em, cause I think about all the illiterate adults they could have taught to read with the money they spent. I don't live there anymore, but still get to drive in for football games and groceries (nothing good to eat up here in the frozen nawth that is Atlanta.)

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