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Sunday, June 24, 2007 | New York Times Editor Admits: We Slanted the News to push withdrawal from Iraq |
(CNN.Com) A former Times news editor admits:
"We slanted the news towards a withdrawal from Iraq - because we had sons there."
Speaking at the Journalists Conference on Saturday several former and current news editors and reporters discussed the tremendous influence they
nearly all agreed they had on The United States' national agenda.
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That's an actual news item, but I changed the media and location from
the Israeli Broadcasting Authority and Lebanon. to something we can
more easily relate to. Here's the Actual report. This
news drives home the power a nation's media exerts, and if allowed to
run amok can guarantee defeat. The broadcasters involved should
face years in prison, if not a firing squad. When the Bush
Administration backed off charging New York Times editors with treason
when they disclosed our al-Qaeda tracking methodology, it sent
the message that they're still playing something of a game, not
waging war. The American media are certainly at war with our
elected government, and they have no boundaries.