Friday, November 30, 2007

Energized Skunkette

She Keeps On Smelling and Smelling and ....
The Stink That Won't Flush

Excrement That Will Not Flush
In his book Carl Bernstein writes that White House adviser George Stephanopoulos described Hillary Clinton's responses to the White House Travel Office case, and other scandals, as "Jesuitical lying."  That left a  a lot of people scratching their heads. There were a million guesses over what that meant; mine is that Stepho used jesuitical lying in lieu of the more direct Clinton Speak, meaning Bill &Hill  perfected the use of constructs that deceived without lying.  You're familiar with it.
  • "I don't believe you'll find evidence of that"
  • "Then why did famous Professor of [insert discipline Bruno Schmutz write that it was "utterly brilliant."?
  • "You know Barbara, I'm not even going to answer that stale accusation.  It was dismissed years ago"
  • "I don't think there's any record of that Bernie."
  • Hey, what's that?  Over there?" *swoosh*
Add  Pharisaical   to  Jesuitical and you're getting close, but still not quite there.  Take Travelgate.  Hillary lied under oath to investigators, saying she had nothing to do with the Travel Office firings.  At the same time, longtime Clinton aide David Watkins was singing like a canary to the FBI, detailing Hillary's lead role (click for full PDF transcript).. When Independent Counsel Robert Ray issued his final report on Travelgate, he found that that Hillary Clinton had made factually false statements but there was insufficient evidence to prosecute her. 

How many times has this happened in the past 15 years?  It's still happening.

This is why half the country says they will not vote for her in any circumstance.  Hell, O.J. Simpson is only "Hillary Lite."


Anonymous said...


It's almost hopeless with these Clintons. There does seem to be a bit of buyer's remorse with this whole "inevitable" thing with her. But Obama?? Are you kidding? A muslim racist?? Edwards??? Gore????

They've painted themselves into a corner and I'm loving watching the contortions. Since Bill was paraded out a few days ago and bombed BIG TIME, I wonder what's next for these two psychos.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

This is shaping up as George McGovern II for the donks. :)))

Whoever the GOP nominee is can expect a nonstop series of media chicanery that will make Rathergate look like school recess.

Juice said...

Of course this post is another great example of why Hillary is running a K.I.S.S. campaign. Her supporters (liberal press) need to keep it simple for her stupid mind and vulnerable shallow graves of her life.

Anonymous said...

This is shaping up as George McGovern II for the donks.

I surely hope so. I want to see her nominated so we can watch the returns come in as she takes Maryland and Massachusetts in the early returns, the MSM gloats, then she goes down in flames in the rest of the country, state by state. that will take the gloss off the Clintons, and the MSM, being the pack of hyenas they are, will turn on them, and we'll see some dirt uncovered that puts them in prison.
That's what I want for Christmas '08. Well, that and two more Scalias for the Court.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick...

I'm with you. THAT event would give me the biggest woody this side of the Atlantic. I.absolutely.hate.those.two.scoundrels. How they "governed" so shamelessly and then want to come back and stick in America's rear again is shockingly appalling! And how any thinking American citizen can even think about voting for that skank is bewildering! My wife fantasizes about her candidacy doing a "slow bleed" during the have her washed out completely before the general race. I like that too, although I really drool thinking of her and that pig of a "partner" of hers being so utterly shamed into oblivion next November. I want these two charlatans ridden out of this country on a rail...after they have been thoroughly tarred and feathered.


Anonymous said...

I'll just bet that Friday's little "hostage" episode was "staged" by hitlery! Just watch. Next week. I would place a wager that she arranged the whole scenario to pump up her chances in IA. I wouldn't put it past her at all. Anything...any scenario to win. What a skank.

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