Sunday, December 09, 2007

This is prolly a hate crime

How about "Ten Little African Americans?"

Or Ten Little Washington Redskins?

Last month a Liberty Twp, Ohio school  performance of Agatha Christie's play "And Then there Were None" was canceled after niggling objections by the NAACP.  The complaint was based on the original title "Ten Little Indians," which was itself a replacement for an even earlier original title "Ten Little Niggers."  In any event, the original title carries potentially offensive connotations today that it didn’t on original publication and that Agatha Christie never intended in the original.  The play itself is oft performed, and completely unoffensive.  It's a shame that today's students often receive niggardly support from school officials faced down by agenda racists.


Anonymous said...

Say what? Better yet, "Ten Little White Males".

Anonymous said...

This annoys me.

Annoyed White Male

Anonymous said...

And let's not metion -little black sambo-

Scratch that.....I meant; small american black boy.

Kim du Toit said...

Quite an enigmatic post, that.

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