Sunday, December 02, 2007

Del Monte Catsup 1953

Okay - take your pick (roll)


1953: You don't need a knife, a bottle opener or even your husband to unscrew the cap of this bottle - just a little twist of the Alcoa HyTop Closure, made of pure aluminium, and that ketchup is ready to pour


Anonymous said...

It does seem an appropriate picture for this:


Anonymous said...


I betcha HE did say a woman can open it......


Anonymous said...


er, didN'T, that is....


Anonymous said...

I have to wonder if that guy had any idea that his picture would end up on the internet.


Jim - PRS

Anonymous said...

Wow! A woman with actual eyebrows -- those were the days. What is with the current OCD fad where women tweeze their eyebrows into a comma shape or (even worse) the thinnest line possible? It looks disgusting and cheap.

On a related subject I heard a radio advertisement for a hair transplant office. At the end they added "and yes, ladies, we do eyebrow transplants." Yikes!

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