Sunday, December 02, 2007

Joe Gibbs' un-Gibbs-like play calling.

It's Bedtime Joe


Rodger the Real King of France said...

When you start playing not to lose, you've lost.

Anonymous said...

I didn't watch any sports today, but let me guess: the Skins lost playing a prevent defense?
I used to go into rages when the Colts or the Terps would do that, especially Lefty Dreisell. He would get momentum, his kids playing their hearts out to upset a favored team, go comfortably ahead, then kill the momentum and lose the game by slowing down to run the clock. Great recruiter, horrible floor coach.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Yes Dick, I was prompted by that pattern, and yesterday's failure tor recognize that he no longer has runners who can reliably play Gibb's control ball was no exception, but it was capped by his "senior moment" that I'm sure will cause even he to recognize his NFL mortality.

Anonymous said...

Elton John and Harvey Korman at an Artist's And Model's Ball?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Joe Gibbs in his reprise of "Sunset Boulevard"

Anonymous said...

Norma Desmond: There once was a time in this business when I had the eyes of the whole world! But that wasn't good enough for them, oh no! They had to have the ears of the whole world too. So they opened their big mouths and out came talk. Talk! TALK! ......(Sourgrapes) =0)

Anonymous said...

GO Bronco!

Anonymous said...

Bronko, yeah!

Anonymous said...

When Joe Gibbs left the Redskins, he had the all-time highest winning percentage of any NFL coach.

Now he doesn't. That record belongs to George Halas again.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I don't think he gives a whit, he just seems to like challenge, and has a genius for organization. Consider that his NASCAR racing team is the best, and we're watching a truly great sportsman.

But, IMO, Joe's football talent was evaluating the talent he had, and adjusting his play book to squeeze the most out of it. That's why, during the strike years, his ragtag scab teams were the class of the league.

Old golfers often succumb to the "yips," on the putting green; I think Joe has the "yips." Since he returned to the Skins, thet've been uncharacteristically unprepared too many times for it to be just an anomaly. Yesterday was a gelling moment for me.

Gayle Miller said...

Okay guys - how about cutting the 'Skins a break?

I don't know where y'all live, but I live in Fredericksburg, VA and the state of mind around here hasn't been exactly unfettered by angst lately! And I think when any athlete so young is dead of a sudden, that is kind of the reaction normal people feel. Sean Taylor is gone way too soon and people are filled with grief, anger and no small amount of shock. I haven't even felt comfortable doing the whoop-whoop-whoop dance over The Ohio State University Buckeyes playing in the BCS Championship game (again) out of good manners and an attempt to display a little class!

Rodger the Real King of France said...

That's why you're on the payroll Gayle, to add class. I didn't know Sean Tayor, but I did know he was the Redskin's franchise player, and will miss him a lot.

They played the game,Sunday, however, so I never thought twice about the propriety of mentioning it. Still don't see a problem, but to each his own in these matters,.

Anonymous said...

Go Cowboys!

Anonymous said...

Sheesh. I grew up a 'skins fan, and still am to a degree (moved to Tampa in '91), but This is not the same Gibbs from the first go-round. After the clueless consecutive TO, the camera stayed on Gibb's face for a period, and he looked as if someone had posed a P.H.D.-level mathematical question to him. He just looked lost.

I still remember that one of the reasons he won so handily back in the day was his tireless 18-hour days he would put in every week to gain any and every advantage he could over the next opponent. I suspect he just ain't working that hard this time around.

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