Monday, December 03, 2007

LooLoo announces



Because he sought my approval several weeks ago, we knew that our daughter was going to become engaged to marry her BF on December 2 - yesterday.  Even though we're RC, MoSup has been doing a first class impression of a Jewish mother of a daughter who won't settle down for some time now, so now she's floating.  Oy. BF was so excited himself that, in his words, the only way he could keep to his schedule and not ask early, was to tell everyone else he knew. It worked.  LooLoo was caught unaware.  Since she's the love of my life, along with her mom, I am thrilled that she yielded to the only boy she ever dated that I didn't grit my teeth over.  In fact, her brothers (she's the baby)  were even more protective,  and feel the same way.  I am a blessed man.


Linda Sue O'Grady said...

Mazel Tov!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Dad!

MCPO Airdale

Anonymous said...

Hey, remember, even Jesus was Jewish before he converted.


Anonymous said...

MoSup as a Jewish mother? So kids when is she moving in? My congrats to mom & pop!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Rog, are you going to offer them cash to elope?


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all of your family, Rodger. happy day!
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

BlogDog said...

Not to nitpick but that should be "banns," not "bans" eh?
Heh! The login word is "feyth."

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Not a nitpick at all. I'm embarrassed. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

It takes a certain lack of imagination to be able to spell a word only one way.

Casca (But I stole it from someone else.)

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Never had a duaghter married off, so let's begin. Anything I have is for sale.

Juice said...

Congratulations to yourself, your wife and your children! It's a joy for certain. :))))

B....... said...

Banns - Had to look it up. Hardly a day goes by that I don't learn something here. Thanks BlogDog and Rodger. And congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck and long married life to them.....and many grandchildren for you and MoSup.


Anonymous said...

That's good for a gold star! Especially if you and MoSup can stand to be in the same room with him.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you and yours, Rodge.

"Anything I have is for sale." Does this include a certain B-52? Because I'd like to start the bidding at 1 euro and a spanish doubloon.

Anonymous said...



I'm glad I have 3 boys. I'd hate to have to pay for a wedding nowadays!

Better start jigglin' that B52 fund cup!!!



Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how happy I am for you and MoSup and the rest of the familty! That really is great news.

A date been set yet?


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Thanks t -Late August

Timbeaux said...

Congrats! Hopefully I have at least twenty years to wait for my own daughter's happy day.

It could be the photoshop effects, but BF looks to be wearing the distinct colors of America's finest school and football team. I feel like I'm on cloud nine myself after the BCS selection. Geaux Tigers!!

Anonymous said...

Cuzzin Rodge:

I didn't realize until just know how old you must be getting! Interesting how time stands still for the rest of us.


Cuzzin Rick

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Rodger!

Anonymous said...

Conrgradulations! I hope that their first child is a male
I hope it works out well.
If not, we can have him come up here for a "fishing trip"

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and felicitations.

Roger, be prepared to be treated as Intelligent Furniture / Checkbook-bearing Device until after the kids commit Matrimony.

But it's all worth it.

Anonymous said...

Mazel Tov!

Parkway Rest Stop

Anonymous said...

"America's finest school and football team" Put down the crackpipe Tim. He's not wearing Buckeye maroon & grey.


Anonymous said...

I'm happy for you! Weddings are such great parties, unless you are the Father of the Bride... Oh yeah...

Anonymous said...

Oh! Happy day! Congratulations! I'm so pleased for all of you!

Tell MoSup that if I can turn into a Jewish mother she can, too!



Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Best Wishes!


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