Monday, December 03, 2007

Pitney Bowes

This ad nearly killed 32 year old Betty Friedan
Almost don't count
1953: Husband furious because you've missed the post? The Pitney-Bowes Postage Meter prints the stamp and seals the envelope all in one go.


Desert Cat said...

Heh. Where are you getting these Rodge?

How refreshing it must have been to be able to say what we were thinking once in a while.

Anonymous said...

DC, you should have been there last night. I had a great date. Gal shows up with a honking nose stud, fake tits, and a tramp stamp, then gives me shit because I don't want to drink the plonk at the Red Lobster. I thanked her for coming out, and excused myself wishing her a good evening. She was shocked! Who would buy her nasty ass dinner now? LMAO, and I made it home in time to watch the second half of the Patriots game with some great Mexican carryout. Marc Rudov RULES!!!


closed said...

It looks like blogger/google has screwed with the interface again.

Now there is no easy way for a commenter to post a URL for a non-google blog.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

There is no auto conversion for links to anything in Blogger's comments. Use this code:

<a href="http://blah-blah-blah/">Clickable Word </a><br>

closed said...

I know how to write html ...

What I was whinging about was blogger removing the non-blogger commenter signature.

You now have to either have a google/blogger login, post as "name" without a link, or post as anonymous.

Post a Comment

Just type your name and post as anonymous if you don't have a Blogger profile.