Sunday, December 02, 2007

Women and cats



Anonymous said...

Women and cats will do as they please and men and dogs just need to get used to it.

David said...

A couple years ago I was standing outside a local business with my young son, waiting for my dear wife and daughter to exit the store. My son who didn't wait well asked me what was taking so long.

I told him "You are going to spend the rest of your life waiting for the women in your life, your sisters, your Mom, your girlfriend, your wife, your daughters are all going to make you wait for them. Just get used to it and learn to wait patiently."

An old guy walking by stopped and told me "That is probably the best advice I have ever heard a father give his son."

The guy's wife hit him.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I love this comment David

Anonymous said...

He also learnt another fact: Truth hurts!

Anonymous said...

Truer word were never spoken.

Gayle Miller said...

Dogs have masters; cats have staff! I am staff to a six-year-old, 28-pound Maine Coon cat named Sam. It's my pleasure!

closed said...

Maine Coons don't count.

Those are dogs in drag.

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