Tuesday, April 08, 2008


AnnoyedOne said...

Yes well that works fine here where up is "on" but is some countries, such as Australia, down is "on".

Rodger the Real King of France said...

That's true here too, AO. Dammit.

Anonymous said...

All these prepositions. Gotta be up to go down, gotta be in to get out, gotta be on to get off.
We are still talking about politics here, no?

Anonymous said...

As long as it's hard, who cares which way it points?

Juice said...

Dudes: Cialis

Anonymous said...

I only take it to stop me rolling out of bed.

Anonymous said...


Elderly gentleman walks up to the counter at the drug store with a prescription for Viagra. He tells the girl at the counter to have the pharmacist cut the pills in quarters. After conversing with the counter girl, the doc calls the old man over to the side and tells him "In order for these to be affective during sex, you really need to take the entire pill." The old man looks him in the eye and says "Aww! I don't want them for SEX! I just want it so I stick out past my zipper far enough to stop pissing on my pants!!


Anonymous said...

but what if she likes to do it with the lights off?

Anonymous said...

If your lights have been on more than 4 hours you should contact your electrician.

- Private Radio

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