Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Call Me Rev. Muzzy

Ayatollah Wright

Obama’s pastor Jeremiah Wright: Former Muslim

April 07th 2008

A reader from Free Republic has dug up an old article last year (March 07) From TNR about Obama. It was written by Ryan Lizza, Senior editor at The New Republic. It’s a biographical piece, but in the article, it explicitly states that Jeremiah Wright is a former Muslim.

From Wright and others, Obama learned that part of his problem as an organizer was that he was trying to build a confederation of churches but wasn’t showing up in the pews on Sunday. When pastors asked him the inevitable questions about his own spiritual life, Obama would duck them uncomfortably. A Reverend Philips put the problem to him squarely when he learned that Obama didn’t attend services. “It might help your mission if you had a church home,” he told Obama. “It doesn’t matter where, really. What you’re asking from pastors requires us to set aside some of our more priestly concerns in favor of prophesy. That requires a good deal of faith on our part. It makes us want to know just where you’re getting yours from.”

After many lectures like this, Obama decided to take a second look at Wright’s church. Older pastors warned him that Trinity was for “Buppies”–black urban professionals–and didn’t have enough street cred. But Wright was a former Muslim and black nationalist who had studied at Howard and Chicago, and Trinity’s guiding principles–what the church calls the “Black Value System”–included a “Disavowal of the Pursuit of Middleclassness.’”

The crosscurrents appealed to Obama.


Anonymous said...

Wright was a Marine like Murtha.
They are both morons.
(not meant to disparage real Marines)

Chuck from Tacoma

ricpic said...

I hate America. Elect me president so I can shit all over it.

Anonymous said...

Wright served in the Marine Corps for two years. Before he completed his enlistment obligation, he was granted a transfer to the Navy where he became a Corpsman. Given his experience and the times, it's interesting that he wasn't assigned to duty with the Fleet Marine Force, but instead completed his service at the US Naval Hospital at Bethesda. A Conscientious Objector? There's nothing wrong with that, per se, but since so much is made of his Marine Corps service, it'd be nice to know why he didn't finish his tour there.

Anonymous said...

Ya gotta have more faith then me to vote for Obama.

Anonymous said...

Wright is one slick operator who saw that Farrakhan had the "hate whitey" Muslim franchise wrapped up, so he forged forward with his own "hate whitey" Christian franchise.

Pretty smart move, actually. It made him a millionaire with a celebrity-studded following who now lives in a mansion nestled in one of the whitest enclaves in America. DD

Rodger the Real King of France said...

If McCain is the Manchurian candidate, then Obama is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about Wright, but I consider Murtha an EX-Marine. All you Leathernecks out there know what I mean by that...

SFAOV Sgsaur

Anonymous said...

The Murtha Hymn

From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli,
I’ll slander our nation’s forces, to please my friend, Nancy.
First to run from duty and honor, and to keep my wallet green,
I have disgraced myself before the Corps; I'm the Ex-United States Marine.

My hand is offered to every sleaze, from Code Pink to crazy muslim,
I’ve been bought in every clime and place where I could take a sum.
In the snow of far off northern lands and in sunny tropic scene,
You’ll find me always on the take, the Ex-United States Marine.

Here’s to wealth for me and for my whore, whom I have vowed to serve,
In many a strife we’ve run for our life and never found our nerve.
If the Army or the Navy ever look on Heaven’s scene,
they won't find me 'cuz I'm the Ex-United States Marine.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

clap*clap. I just sang it, and it works!

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