Sunday, April 06, 2008

Croc on the Grill

The Croc Hunter's Favorite Recipe
Crocodile Medallions with Sambuca Sabayon

Ingredients :

8 x 100 g Crocodile Medallions
200 ml Olive oil
20 gm crushed Fennel seeds
5 gm black Pepper
2 x Egg yolks
20 ml Sambuca
60 ml White wine
    Salt to taste

Take it from there mate!


Anonymous said...

Not *NEARLY* enough wine for that dish!


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Or Sambuca! And what about tartar sauce and melted cheese? Peasants.

Anonymous said...

I've had what (was sold as, who can really be sure) croc tail. It was good. Kind of fatty, which makes sense if that's where the animal stores its reserves. I'd eat it again.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Tastes like chicken

Anonymous said...

A real foodie drools over the thought of albino alligator.

Anonymous said...

Does it work with gator? We have lots of them here in my neck of the woods.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Alligator a la woodchipper.

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