Sunday, April 06, 2008

Do Commies emulate Democrats, or the other way?

Why the "Tibetan monks" were so violent in Lhasa....

Communists are like Democrats,; Perception is Truth. That's the game.


Anonymous said...

Third story down, titled:
The 'violent rioters' aren't necessarily what they seem. The most vicious looking one with a huge knife proves to be a police officer.

Look at those images. That guy doesn't look right. There's too much detail, the lighting looks wrong. Ths sun is strong and at his back. On the other figures facing the same way the faces are in total shadow, yet his is very clear. That knife doesn't look like any Chinese blade I've ever seen, but I'm not an expert.

Although the some of the "wrongness" could be caused by the smoke, I'd think that would make even less detail visible.

He looks smaller and at a slightly different angle to the ground than the other figures, but being frozen in motion could explain that.

My first reaction to him: CGI. He looks like an image from a video game that was inserted behind the smoke to obscure the fact that he didn't quite match. I could be wrong, look for yourself.

Annoyed White Male

AnnoyedOne said...


I think its time to repost those Chinese execution pics again. This blog is already blocked in China anyway.

I wonder how my work colleagues are doing. They should be in China by now. I told them to pack "Communism sucks!", "The Dali Lama rules!" and "Free Tibet!" t-shirts ;-)

The company higher-ups (read bean-counters) have decided that we should be manufacturing in China like everyone else. We'll be able to buy our own products at 1/2 the price soon ;-)

I went to buy some new shoes yesterday. They're all made in China now.

I'm not sure if I should be taking Mandarin/Cantonese or Spanish lessons.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I've posted them about three times already.

Anonymous said...

General Tso's Ming Monks

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