Sunday, April 06, 2008


Today's Mission

This can be yours!

Your mission today, should you choose to accept, is to find the most hateful response to Charlton Heston's death. The winner, as determined by me from your posted comment, will receive the Official Barn Army Undercover Spy Kit.  This package will allow you to go underground on dangerous missions, and make girls want to kiss you, even if you're a girl.  Remember to use the Tiny URL link to shrink the 96 letters in *down to 25 (

* "He was a prick.  And good riddance, about 35 years too late." TomInTib


Anonymous said...

I just read a lengthy obit. Man I liked him. As much as I'd love that nifty spy disguise Rog, I don't want to soil myself reading those creep's bile and hate.

Seriously, what kind of soul does some one have to proudly proclaim filth like that about a man just because he has a different POV. It's the mark of a small man.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

A rhetorical question, of course?

Juice said...

Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!

Juice said...

Anonymous said...

The Freepers already have a roundup.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Via Stop the ACLU

Anonymous said...

I read through about half the messages at the DU and was surprised. There were quite a few nice messages about him and his career, quite a few that slammed Michael Moore for his "ambush" in BFC, and some who even chided the others for being nasty about the man's death.

Anonymous said...

My favorite of all Charlton Heston's movies was "Will Penny"

Anonymous said...

I love Will Penny too. "Too soon old, and too late smart." Who can forget The Omega Man, or Soylent Green, or 55 Days in Peking? He never made a bad movie, because he was such a presence.


Anonymous said...

Watched "I Am Legend" the other night....First thought, "This is a remake of 'Omega Man'...Second thought, "Nowhere near the standards of the Heston movie".

titan saturnae said...

Early Civil Rights supporter, long time NRA President, worked in Hollywood and was married (to the same woman) for 64 years.

A man of real strong convictions - apparently all correct.

No wonder the KOS kidz hated him. I suspect he considered that the honor thart it ought to be to any decent person.

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