Sunday, April 06, 2008

A likely terrorist - but which one?


Anonymous said...

Suck my dick.

Anonymous said...

Thoroughly wrong.

Want to bet money she wouldn't search someone in a burqua as thoroughly?

Anonymous said...

I'd search a man in a habit too.


MCPO Airdale said...

The very last time I flew commercial I was in uniform. I was frisked. TSA can kiss my red, Irish ass!

Anonymous said...

Only the TSA takes bayonets from our GI's returning from Afghanistan, while letting them keep their M16A1 and M-4s WITH LOADED magazines- what a friggin joke!

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Like GIs returning O'seas are gonna hijack a plane.

And Airdale-- Did they understand afterwards that you really were a REAL Master Chief?

(Master Chiefs can express displeasure in arrangements of the Englisn and other languages that are Wonderous to Behold. An art form, really. Don't ask me how I know this.)

Anonymous said...

What, you don't think a caucasian Muslim female bomber (say, from Chechnya, the Baltic states, etc.) would dress as a nun if she knew a nun's habit could get her through security? Yes, they would. This photo doesn't bother me at all.

Save your anger for the scumbag Islamists who would hide a bomb in their own baby's behind if they could get away with it. DD

Anonymous said...

Dang!. I thought the earrings WERE a nice touch and went well with the black outfit.

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