Tuesday, April 08, 2008

When I was you age Timmy, we solved our own prollems

Today's DIY


Anonymous said...

My wife does upholstry. I'm going to have her make one for liberals. We can call it a 'nut sack'.

Anonymous said...

Get four bags.

Load them with rabid pit bulls.

Launch them at hippies/transients that approach your vehicle.

BobG said...

I like Kristopher's idea; it would play hell with would-be carjackers.

Anonymous said...

A small lap dog used to be able to ride ON your sack. Think that's illegal now.

Anonymous said...

Please don't close the car door on your dog's head! (or smack 'em in the noggin when opening it either).

Anonymous said...

Aw dang root. You'd only do it once.After that your 'dog and sack' would look like a unavailable turtle...Dog's head wouldn't come out the front door til he felt a stiff breeze.

Anonymous said...

What's a "running board"?

Anonymous said...

Member when the policeman would jump on the running board of your car and say "Follow that car" and you'd take off chasing the escaping car full of bank robbers?....Gee..We just don't ever have real fun like THAT anymore.

Anonymous said...

All this talk of running boards and policemen and dogs and such has given me an idea...Looking at the picture, I can see how a bloodhound in a bag and a trained handler, able to read the dog's signs, would be capable of performing high speed trailing of criminal escapees...Huh?..Wadda ya think?......Yeah. I guess not.

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