Saturday, September 06, 2008

Palin Sunday Talks

Sarah Palin: AWOL from Sunday circuit 

Not photoshopped - by me anyway
My first reaction to the headline -- "Good!"  It throws the MSM off balance, and besides, I worry about her being overexposed as a rock star, even though I'm an eager participant in that effort.

Tribune SWAMP blogger Mark Silva thinks it's because McCain doesn't have confidence in her ability to speak without a teleprompter.  I think Mark Silva is something of a canker blossom for putting that thought on the record.  It was Obama who spent time in Hawaii being coached on spelling C-A-T without a teleprompter.  Sarah Palin, conversely, delivered most of her  knock-out RNC speech freelance - after her teleprompter broke!

On the other hand, I don't trust McCain to keep the momentum without her. And it means I'll have to watch her speech again tomorrow, for the seventh time.


Anonymous said...

Say, "Please."

Anonymous said...

It's Sunday. She's going to church. Can't these Bozos figure out anything?

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